xSkrape Reference Guide

This page includes documentation for all versions of xSkrape: for Excel (Add-in), for SQL Server and for SSIS.

There are different views of XS.QL documentation: at a summary level here, for URL's here, and for queries here.

You can pick a specific version to filter results:

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Common to all versions of xSkrape is our xSkrape Fundamentals document (PDF). We suggest you start here to get familiar with common concepts that help when reading examples and reference documentation.

Function Reference
Function Overview Product / Version

Extract a single value (number, text, etc.) from a source reference, using query conditions that identify the value of interest.

For Excel (2.0)

For SQL Server (2.0)


Extract a single value (number, text, etc.) from a source reference, using query conditions that identify both a table and the row(s) and column that contain the specific data value of interest.

For Excel (2.0)

For SQL Server (2.0)


Extract multiple values (numbers, text, etc.) from a source reference, using a list of query conditions that identify the values of interest.

For Excel (2.0) only


Extract tabular data (rows and columns) from a source reference, using query conditions to identify the characteristics of the data in the event there are multiple tables that could be identified in the source.

For Excel (2.0)

For SQL Server (2.0)


Extract tabular data (rows and columns) from a source reference, using query conditions to identify the characteristics of the data in the event there are multiple tables that could be identified in the source. Results are returned in adjacent cells, relative to the function and the number of rows and columns returned is determined by the size of the source data (i.e. as opposed to a fixed cell range offered by WebGetTable).

For Excel (2.0) only

Page Explorer Reference
Task Overview

Load Data From a Source

Load Raw - only the raw data from the source is shown, no attempt to resolve it as XML

Load Raw, also Launch Browser - only the raw data from the source is shown, plus the default browser is opened side-by-side to help visually identify elements of interest

Load as XML - data from the source is shown, resolved as XML where possible

Load as XML, also Launch Browser - data from the source is shown, resolved as XML where possible, plus the default browser is opened side-by-side to help visually identify elements of interest

Using Tables Available for Preview

After loading source data, identified tables are shown in tabs on the lower part of the screen. Each tab includes a preview of what the unfiltered / untransformed table would look like if retrieved using WebGetTable or WebGetDynamicTable. It's also useful when constructing value queries when using WebGetSingleFromTable. Each tab may include some suggestions about possible table identification criteria that would uniquely identify the table (among all available tables).

Finding a Value Expression to Retrieve a Known Value

After loading source data "as XML", we can provide a value that exists on the page in the "Search For" text box and click on "Search". If possible, one or more "xpath" suggestions could be made if the value can be identified using XPath. If some "Related Text" can be provided - typically a label that closely precedes the value of interest - more value suggestions might be offered such as "followinginnertext", "numberfollowsnear" or "numberwithsuffixfollowsnear". These suggestions appear on a special tab: "Value Suggestions".