Function: WebGetSingleFromTable

Extract a single value (number, text, etc.) from a source reference, using query conditions that identify both a table and the row(s) and column that contain the specific data value of interest.



Return Value(s)


This function can be used to extract a single value from a tabular data source such as can be embedded in a larger HTML page or Excel workbooks - or "native tabular" sources such as comma/tab separated files. As opposed to WebGetSingle, focus is given to identifying the value(s) of interest through "stronger" references such as column names, filter expressions, etc. Also, aggregations can be applied over multiple rows. Use of sorting along with functions such as FIRST and LAST can identify "top 1" values. For the Excel "Web" add-in, functionality described here for the Desktop add-in can be carried over based on the parameter names mapping to the fields made available in the data connection in the add-in task pane.

