Excel "Web" Cell Reference Types

There are three main options presented in drop-downs for things like URL's and query expressions:

  • Manual: The full text of the expression is included in the data connection in the task pane.
  • Absolute Reference: The full text of the expression is contained in some cell in the workbook. You can provide a worksheet-reference (e.g. "Sheet1!A1"), or a cell reference (e.g. "A1") that applies to the current worksheet.
  • Relative Reference: The full text of the expression is contained in some cell that's relative to the "target cell" for the data connection (or for each cell when the target is a range). The format of "a,b" is used where both "a" and "b" are numbers. "a" is the number of rows relative to the target cell. "b" is the number of columns relative to the target cell. For example, if the target cell is "Sheet1!B2", a relative reference of "-1,2" would expect the expression to be in cell D1 on Sheet1. (Not specifying an explicit sheet name implies the current worksheet is used.)